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Year 3 - Practicing their dodge-ball skills

Year 1 - Moving like aliens in PE

We had a gymnastics specialist teacher visit!

Tennis at HLS

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Tennis at HLS

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Rob Stean from Riverside Tennis Club came to Haynes today to deliver tennis coaching to all children in Years R, 1, 2, 3 & 4.

Year 4 enjoyed their Judo taster session

Robins had fun too!

Robins enjoying gymnastics. They have been learning how to travel in different ways, to create a balance, to jump safely off equipment and put together a sequence of movements.

Puffins practising straddle rolls

Ducklings classs making the most of a snowy day while building up their fine & gross motor skills.

Year 2 Football



We enjoyed incorporating PE into our day celebrating Diwali when we learned a dance using some traditional Indian dancing moves. We performed dance moves in a range of movement patterns.

KS2: Bollywood Inspired Dancing

Year 1 enjoyed working on their balancing and flexibility skills.

Tag Rugby


In Tag Rugby, the children developed their handling, passing and receiving skills as well as earning tactics for the game. We worked on these skills discretely and as part of competitions between the class. It was good to see the improvement of skills and the way in which children could review and improve their performances individually and as a team.

Year 4 Tag Rugby Practise



Year 4 children have enjoyed the opportunity to develop their skills in a range of sports activities this Autumn Term. The children developed strength, balance and flexibility in Gymnastics, exploring the different shapes that they could make with their body and that are commonly used in Gymnastics. They also explored a range of ways to travel and jump, incorporating the shapes into the movements to choreograph their own routines. The children trialled some of the techniques seen in rhythmic gymnastics too, such as using balls and hoops.

Year 4 Gymnastics

Nursery takes P.E. to the park! (Autumn 2, 2018).
Nursery children putting their gross motor skills to the test on a recent trip to the park. They could be seen running, jumping, twisting, turning, sliding, crawling, spinning and LOTS of sliding! It was great to use our local area to enhance the children's development, a fantastic time was had by all!

P.E in Early Years Autumn Term 2018

12.6.18 - KS1's rounders competition

Physical activity challenge - Year 2 12.6.18

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The children worked in pairs to see how many star jumps and jumps over a cone they could do in 1 minute. They had 2 attempts to try and improve their scores.

8.6.18 - Year 2's gymnasics visit from Carl!

19.2.18 - The importance of exercise

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We work in pairs to come up with our own exercises and then we had a go to see how many of each we could do in one minute. We then had another go to try and improve our scores.

Gymnastics in Early Years

Outdoors in Early Years

Hockey Match!
