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Summer 1st half

We began our theme of, 'Wild About Animals' by looking at different safari animals and listening to the stories, 'Dear Zoo' and 'The Zoo Vet' along with other non-fiction texts. We used Google Earth to locate Africa and talked about its climate and what animals might live there. We wrote our own 'Dear Zoo' booklets, wrote information about safari animals, made lion faces, counted the safari animals and the patches on the giraffes and played with the safari animals in the tuff spot. We enjoyed being animals in our Jungle Dance and making our own Safari Park maps.

In RSE as part of 'Health and Wellbeing' and in PE and PSED, we have been learning about what we have to do to look after ourselves. We focused on physical activity and how that makes us feel, looked at healthy and unhealthy foods and talked about making healthy eating choices. We talked about how important it is to get a good nights sleep and the importance of hygiene, washing hands, having a bath or shower and having a routine for cleaning their teeth.

The children have continued their learning about 'Growing' and have read many texts related to this. We read 'Jasper's Beanstalk' and different versions of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' looking at how a bean plant grows and what it needs for it to be healthy. We have been ordering the days of the week, placing bean plants in order of height, creating repeating patterns in beans, counting beans, measuring how many beans tall the Giants hand and footprint are. We have been writing about what they imagine would be at the top of the beanstalk and what the giant might be bellowing at Jack . They have been using Duplo to create a beanstalk and a castle for the giant.

We have read the stories, 'The Hungry Caterpillar', 'Oliver's Vegetables' and 'Oliver's Fruit Salad.' We enjoyed the challenge of writing from memory a list of all the food the Hungry Caterpillar ate. We used fruit to help us add and subtract and enjoyed creating caterpillar repeating patterns. We loved all the craft activities, creating caterpillars using paper chains and split pins. We enjoyed using fruit and vegetables to print. We talked about healthy living and what healthy living means to us. We talked about our favourite fruit and enjoyed making pictograms to represent our findings. We loved learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We learnt about symmetry and practised this using loom bands and objects on the floor. We loved using the magnifying glasses and our senses to explore fruit and vegetables.

In Maths we have continued to consolidate our understanding of the composition of numbers, practising our number bonds to 10, making larger numbers using Numicon and ordering numbers to 20.

Outside we have continued to learn in many ways. We have enjoyed our Post Office role play area, being builders on our building site, becoming stronger by playing on the climbing frame and showing our caring side by playing so well with all our friends.
