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We are proud to wear uniform at our school as it is a way of celebrating our togetherness and creates a sense of identity and community.  It also helps set high standards and children will be expected to wear their uniform smartly and take pride in their appearance.


A uniform is hard-wearing, serviceable, reasonably priced, sensible clothing for active children. It reduces the need for a varied wardrobe and prevents daily arguments over what to wear.


Please ensure the fastenings of the clothes are manageable to help your child become as independent as possible.


Jewellery & Hair

No nail varnish or jewellery should be worn in school, except one stud earring in each ear or religious bangles.

Children with pierced ears should wear simple studs, which need to be removed for PE. Ideally these should not be worn on PE days.  Any child whose earrings cannot be removed for medical reasons, can undertake P.E. providing the earrings are covered by a plaster or tape.  
Religious bangles must be removed for PE.


Watches may be worn to school, however we cannot accept responsibility for their safekeeping.


If your child’s hair is long enough, please ensure it is tied back. Sometimes shoulder length hair may not be quite long enough to tie back. In these cases, we ask that pupils wear a plain hairband or plain hairclips to keep their hair away from their face. These should be in a colour in keeping with the uniform e.g. green and/or white. 


Purchasing Uniform

New uniform can be purchased through our uniform supplier, Bee-Promoted.


Our PTA also operate a Pre-Loved Uniform Shop.  They can be contacted on by email at



STIKINS Clothes Labels


Follow this link to order clothes labels for your child's uniform:

Buy Name Tags
