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Meet the Governors

Welcome to the Governors Page.


Our Governing Body is composed of:

  • The Head Teacher
  • Staff member(s)
  • Parent(s)
  • Co-opted governor(s)

Each of us has a variety of life skills and experience to enable us to be an effective Governing Body.


Every member of the Full Governing Body is also a member on one of our main sub-committees:

Finance & Resources

Curriculum & Standards 

The full board and sub-committees each meet 3 times a year.


There is a third committee for the Performance Review of the Headteacher. We adhere to a Code of Conduct to ensure that we are committed and effective.


As governors we share the school’s vision and ethos, but we also have a number of responsibilities. We oversee the school’s financial performance and hold the leadership to account by offering both support and challenge. We know the school well through celebrating achievements with the children and we recognise the school’s many strengths. We also understand the areas where we can continue to develop further and we do this through examining the data and looking at the evidence of how well the school and our pupils are doing.


In order to do this, every governor carries out visits for specific areas. The report each governor writes afterwards is shared at our meetings, when we also scrutinise policies, Headteacher reports, the School Development Plan and progress data.


The Curriculum and Standards Committee focuses on curriculum and progress matters. We look at the targets which are being set and we review the progress and attainment of every child, so that we are aware of any areas of concern and can monitor the steps being taken to address them.


The Finance and Resources Committee provides guidance and assistance on financial matters. We monitor the income and expenditure of the school’s budget and ensure good practice, to make the best possible use of the finances available. We monitor the school’s contracts and oversee major projects such as the classroom and playground refurbishment. In addition we review the staffing structure and pay progression.


The Headteacher Performance Review Committee meets to agree the objectives for the Headteacher for the current year, to monitor progress towards those objectives and then to agree to what extent they have been met.


The Role and Responsibilities of the Governing Board


Governing boards have a vital role to play in driving up school and pupil performance and ensuring that resources are used well to give every child the best possible education.  Governors are the key strategic decision makers and vision setters helping to set the school’s aims and values with a strong focus on three core strategic functions:


  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent


How to Become a Governor at Haynes


A good school governor is someone who is passionate about children’s education, is open to ideas, likes working as a team, is willing to ask questions and can commit to spending the requisite time.  If you are interested in becoming a governor at Haynes, please contact the clerk via the School.  All governor appointments are subject to an enhanced disclosure check by the Disclosure and Barring Service.


How to contact the Governors at Haynes


Should you wish to contact the governors you may write to them via the School office or use the designated Governor Email address: 
