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Year 3

Welcome To Year 3

Hello and welcome to year 3!!!

My name is Mr Russo and I have the pleasure of being the class teacher this year. 

This term the children will be learning all about the Stone Age and the fascinating periods within it. They will be looking at settlements and human and physical geography. During Science, we will be investigating Animals including Humans and in Maths we will spend time securing place value knowledge before looking at the four operations. For further information regarding your child's learning, please take a look at the long term yearly plans.


Note: PE is every Tuesday and Wednesday - please ensure that your child arrives at school in           their PE kits.

       Spelling books will be sent home weekly but must be returned to school every Monday to         be assessed and to receive the new spelling rule.


First Day of Term

During maths we investigated place value by using different resources to represent different numbers. Please take a look at some of the children's pictures below.



This term in maths the children have been investigating place value. They have been learning to represent, compare and order different 3 digit numbers. They have had fun using part-whole models to partition numbers in the 100's.

First Aid Training

On Thursday the 15th September, the children in year 3 took part in a first aid workshop. The workshop was a huge success with the children having lots of fun but more importantly learning some valuable life saving skills. 

Faith Tour 2022

On Wednesday 28th September Years 3 and 4 went on faith tour of Bedford, visiting an Islamic mosque, a Christian church, and a Sikh Gurdwara. The children learnt lots of information about different cultures, beliefs and places of worship. It was a fantastic trip and hopefully one of many!!
