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At Haynes Lower School & Nursery, we take the safeguarding of our children very seriously.


Every school must have a Child Protection Policy - often referred to as the school's Safeguarding Policy. The aim of the policy is to ensure that our school has effective measures in place to safeguard your children from the potential risk of harm and that the safety and well being of the children are of the highest priority in all aspects of our school's work. Having the policy in place ensures that all members of your school community:

  • Are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection
  • Know the procedures that should be followed if they have a cause for concern
  • Know where to go to find additional information regarding safeguarding
  • Are aware of the key indicators relating to child abuse
  • Fully support the school's commitment to safeguarding and child protection.


All staff and regular visitors undergo an enhanced security check to work with children and this is regularly monitored by the governors.

If you have a concern about the safety or well-being of a child, you should report this to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads in school. (Call 01234 381225 during school hours)


  • Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Hearn
  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Cresswell and Mr Russo
  • Governor responsible for Safeguarding - Mrs Connely


You can also contact:


Central Bedfordshire

Access and Referral Hub for children’s social care on 0300 300 8585
CBC Social Care out of hours: 0300 300 8123


Bedford Borough

Integrated Front Door (previously MASH)

Telephone 01234 718700 during office hours, 0300 300 8123 out of hours

Submit a MASH Enquiry form at: 


Local Safeguarding Children's Board: Luton LSCB 01582 547590


Prevent in Education


Extremist groups know young people are using the internet much more, often unsupervised, and so use these opportunities to exploit and recruit. It is possible that your child/ren may meet with others online or visit websites that could lead them into adopting what are considered extreme views, and therefore becoming radicalised.


Whether you want to protect your child/ren from this or you have concerns or are worried about a child at risk of being radicalised please speak with one of our Safeguarding Leads or see below for further support:


Local Prevent team email or visit their website Act Early UK


Other Local Support Services


Bedfordshire Community Health Services - 0300 555 0606
Bedford Open Door - 01234 360388
Chathealth – 07507 331450 School Nurse text support service. For young people age 11-19. For more information please visit: or watch our short animation:
Parentline – 07507 331456 Health Visitor text support service. For more information please visit: or watch the short animation:


All available Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 4.30pm, except bank holidays


Other National Support Services


NSPCC - 0800 800 5000 or email
NSPCC 'Speak out Stay safe' please click here

Childline - 0800 1111 or visit their website

Department for Education - Tackle Child Abuse -

Sorted - 01582 891435 -

Samaritans - 116 123 (24 hours) 24 hour confidential listening and support (Parents/carers included.) Email -

Young Minds - Text YM to 85258 (free 24/7 support) if you are a young person experiencing a mental health crisis

Relate - 01234 356350 -

Kooth – Online free counselling service for children and young people
