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Spring 1st half

We started the week off with African Drumming. The children were amazing, showing great listening skills by being able to follow the rhythm and make african music. Our theme now is, 'Walking with Dinosaurs'. The children have been impressing me with their knowledge of dinosaurs, their habitats and even the names of some of them. They brought in different dinosaur related things to show and tell to the rest of the class. They have been using non-fiction books to draw and label dinosaurs and have even written some sentences to describe dinosaurs. They have been measuring dinosaurs and ordering them from biggest to smallest on paper and in the sandpit. Outside they have been fossil hunters, gently uncovering dinosaur skulls in the sand and have even found dinosaurs trapped in the ice!

Happy New Year to you all! It is our first week back from the Christmas holidays and the children have returned full of life and excited to see each other. We have been continuing our learning about the Seasons and have been looking out for signs of Winter. They have been on a Winter walk, using their senses to explore the outdoors and make observations. In our outdoor area the water tray had filled with water and frozen over, which the children enjoyed exploring. Indoors the children have been designing winter clothes, reading weather and season books and sorting clothes into those worn when it is hot or cold. In Maths we have been weighing items, saying which is heavier, lighter or the same and continuing our understanding of numbers. They have been using their phonic knowledge to build words and practising reading their work back to themselves.
