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Provision Map


Haynes Lower School Provision Map



Stage 1

(in class support for students who are being monitored)

Stage 2

(Group targeted SEN provision)

Stage 3

(1:1 support)

Cognition and Learning










-Differentiated planning, learning activities, learning intentions and success criteria.

- Differentiated resources.

- Differentiated outcomes and expectations.

- Visual timetables.

- Writing frames

- Support from class TA/teacher

-Daily reading, spelling, phonics and probes.

- Group support from TA in literacy and numeracy.

-Small group work

-Before school literacy and numeracy clubs

-1:1 support for literacy and numeracy

-Individual arrangements for assessments

-Use of ICT and material provided by the Educational Psychologist.

-Extra support with transition at every stage.

Communication and Interaction






-Differentiated planning, learning activities, learning intentions and success criteria.

- Visual timetables.

-Continuity and routine followed

-Tasks broken down and nderstanding confirmed.

-Small group work

-Support from class TA/teacher

-In class TA/Teacher support

-PSHE/Circle time

-SEN resources such as discussion pictures, What/Why/Where/When tins

-Games to encourage discussion

-1:1 speech therapy sessions

-Visual timetable

-Use of ICT to support understanding and communication.

- Extra support with transition at every stage.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health






-Whole school reward sytem (smiley faces, well done book, celebration assembly).

-Behaviour policy

-Peer support

-Whole staff strategies for dealing with difficult behaviour.

-Monitoring of the unstructured periods of the day.

-Social stories.

-1:1 behaviour programme

-Jigsaw support

-TA support 1:1

-Appropriate support for unstructured times of the day.

-teacher time



Sensory and/or physical difficulties

-Flexible teaching arrangements

-Medical care plans

-Appropriate seating plan

-Resources such as writing slopes, pencil grips, adapted scissors.

-Additional support where needed (PE, DT, Art)

-Laptops to support writing

-Appropriate writing implements where needed.

-Support materials to develop fine motor skills

1:1 support from either a teacher/TA

-Physiotherapy/occupational therapy.

-Speech and language support form TA

-Specialist equipment

-ICT resources

Extra support with transition at every stage.


