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Eagles : 2014-2015

A Neolithic Stone Age Village - 14 May 2015 Miss McCullion


Skara Brae has been the focus of our learning in Key Stage 2 this week. We’ve found out about where and what it is (a Neolithic Stone Age settlement in Orkney) and when it was built (about 5000 years ago). The children have had to ask questions and consider evidence to come up with the answers to these. Now to design our own Neolithic Stone Age homes! To do this we gathered ideas, looking at Stone Age shelters and how they had evolved, and decided upon the best way to recreate these in our own model. We will use ModRoc as our basis to create the shape, then must use our findings about Skara Brae to make our model as authentic as possible. We can’t wait to start making them! Come back soon to see photographs of our very own Stone Age village!


A Visit from Nicholas Halliday - 10 March 2015 Mrs Skoines


As a final treat at the end of Book Week we were fortunate enough to have a real life author, illustrator and publisher visit our school for the day. Nicholas Halliday, a children’s author, spent an hour with each class, sharing his books and inspiring the children to write. From reception to Year 4 every child and staff member thoroughly enjoyed the day. The feedback from Nicholas about our school was wonderful, he even took to Twitter and expressed his delight at being at our school. Well done everyone!

Brilliant Book Week - 06 March 2015 Miss McCullion

A wonderful time was had by all this week celebrating one of our greatest loves: books!


We’ve bought books, swapped books, talked about our favourite books, returned to school for bedtime books, read books, heard books, looked at books and written our own book. Soon to be published! (Spoiler alert!: it’s called ‘The Lost Smile’.)

Today we had the author Nicholas Halliday in school to answer our questions and offer us advice about writing our own stories. He was inspirational!

Our wonderful Book Week has reminded us of how important enjoying books really is.



Maths - 06 March 2015 Miss McCullion 


We’ve been getting to grips with time and the 24 hour clock this week in Eagles’ Class. We’ve solved time problems, found time intervals and converted times from the 24-hour clock to the 12-hour clock. Today we played clock dominoes and some of us were converting times from various countries around the world. We’re feeling a lot more confident about time now, meaning our hard work has paid off!  

What a lovely time!


Year 4 Tasty Poems - 02 March 2015 Miss McCullion

How many poets can you name? We’ve decided we would like to know more. In Year 4 today we started to learn about Michael Rosen. We howled with laughter as we watched his lively and funny retelling of his poem ‘Chocolate Cake’. Connor identified this as a free verse style poem and we decided that the repetition and onomatopoeia made it effective to listen to. We loved Rosen’s animated facial expressions and actions as he performed the poem. Inspired by this, we decided to write our own food-themed poetry and started by writing an acrostic titled ‘Chocolate’. It was good, but we knew we could do better! So, we got into groups and each wrote a list poem. Miss McCullion gave us a title and asked us to use rhyming couplets, the rest was up to us. Here are our poems, we hope that you enjoy them.  


The Party Buffet

Flavoured crisps: cheese and onion, roast beef,

Sausage rolls sticking to your teeth,

Pizzas: all delightful toppings,

How many can you pile without dropping?

Chocolate fingers, here comes the dessert,

My tummy is about to hurt.

Chocolate cake, at last not least,

The final piece, wrapped up ready to release.

At the party buffet!




George, George, Connor and Harry.    


The Sweet Shop


Sweets are the best thing to eat, mmmm!

Sweets can definitely not be beat!

Lovely lollipops with rainbow swirls, mmmm!

All of the curly-wurlies with millions of curls.

Wispas whisper in your ear,

They will whisper: ‘hello, my dear!’ Mmmm!

You can choose fantastic fudge, mmmm!

You could never bear a grudge. Mmmm!

Cadbury’s chocolate in a box; mmmm!

Can’t be beaten by the make of Fox.




Nathan, Alfie, Niamh and Connor.  


The Bakery


Chocolate cake, ready to bake,

People everywhere come to take.

Donuts sugary, oh so sweet,

Dipped in chocolate, ready to eat!

Gingerbread men, smaller than me,

Chocolate chip cookies to dip in tea.

Croissants with a chocolate surprise,

So amazing: I can’t believe my eyes!

Yummy, yummy,

In my tummy!  



Freya, Joshua, Adam, Reilly and Jenson.  


My Lunchbox  


Cheese Sandwich,

Chocolate, Egg,

Fab fruit,

fruity toot toot!

Sweet strawberries,

Lovely smell,

Melon, pineapple,

More fruit as well!

Crisps so crunchy,

Chocolate munchy.

Crackle, pop, goes the chocolate mousse,

I have got no time to lose.

Cram it all into my mouth.

My lunchbox is as big as a house!

Five more things left to go,

Will I finish? No-one knows.

OW! My tummy hurts!  


Shakira, Milly, Millie, Ani, Coralie and Cameron.    




We hope you enjoyed our poems and that they haven’t left you feeling too hungry!


Story Writing - 16 February 2015 Mrs Skoines

Key Stage 2 have been using Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as their key text in English this half term. They have been inspired by the story to write their own versions. The children in Year 3 and 4 have created their own exciting characters and events based on the style of Roald Dahl’s book. Some examples of these stories will be posted on the Key Stage 2 blog.

Snow Fun! - 03 February 2015 Mrs Skoines


Key Stage 2 had fun working on different challenges in the snow! Measuring temperatures, making the sturdiest snowman, working as a team to construct a 3 part snowman and lots more! Here are a few photos of our morning.

Science Presentations - 03 February 2015 Mrs Skoines

Today each class presented what they have learnt about the scientist their class have been finding out about to the rest of the school. It was very informative and we all found out new things we didn’t know before. Haynes Lower School is now even more excited about science and the opportunities we will have this term to become even better scientists than we already are! Tweets will be appearing on each class blog page during this week to tell you more about each class scientist.

January in Year 4 - 27 January 2015 Miss McCullion


What a fantastic start to Spring Term!

I couldn’t be more proud of each and every child in Eagles Class; recently their attitude within the classroom and around school has been a perfect example to the rest of the children at Haynes. Well done Year 4.

We are loving our new chocolate-based topic, ‘The Golden Ticket’, and enjoy sharing ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ on a regular basis. It is helping us to create some brilliant creative writing and participate in some great speaking and listening exercises too. The children were particularly brilliant when re-telling the first five chapters of the story and could speak confidently and clearly, adopting the style of Roald Dahl. This is great news! We have had a big focus on talking so it is wonderful to see the children’s use of language and different styles progressing.

Maths has been loads of fun too. We had a great time last week finding rules to sequences and checking if they would work and we have also been carrying out some mathematical enquiries to help us to apply our learning to real-life situations.

We’ve mainly been working with multiplication and division and our times tables are getting much better! Working systematically was really important when solving problems so that we could find all the possible solutions. It was fun working in different groups to enable us to talk through our ideas, using lots of maths vocabulary.

In Science we have been finding out about States of Matter and can all now explain what a solid, liquid or gas is. Observing these closely has enabled us to talk about them in more detail; we particularly enjoyed observing them when creating our ‘Fizzy Lifting Drinks’ during our Stunning Start (we loved tasting them even more!). We have been thinking about how the states of matter can be changed and what the differences are between them. Some of us observed these changes at playtime last week, when looking at ice that had formed overnight. We will be carrying out investigations to delve into this matter further! Very exciting!

There’s been more fun than that, though! We’re currently investigating El Salvador because cocoa beans grow there; it has lots of volcanoes too. We’ve found out more about them and learned some really technical vocabulary! We’ve seen what life is like for children of a similar age to us in El Salvador, and how the geography of the country impacts on the way people live there. We’re starting to think about the Aztecs and Mayans and will discover how they are linked to chocolate too!

In Art we are studying Andy Warhol and have learned about his style, known as Pop Art. We have looked carefully at different packaging and can’t wait to create our own Andy Warhol inspired artwork, followed by our own packaging for chocolate bars in the coming weeks. Here we are observing the packaging. We discussed what we liked and didn’t like about the packets before sketching them, then we chose one to simplify into the Andy Warhol style.

In Computing we have started using Scratch and have learned what an algorithm is and how to create one (ask us – we can tell you)! We inputted alogrithms into Scratch and created a programme that made a cat dance, talk, make noises and change colour! We are looking forward to seeing what else we can do!

As you can see we have been very busy indeed. Lots of learning and loads of fun! There’s plenty more to come too, including our trip to Cadbury’s World!

Well done again, Year 4, what stars you are! I’m looking forward to the next few weeks.


Key Stage 2 Science - 24 January 2015 Mrs Skoines


In the next couple of week’s each class will be finding out about a different key person in the field of Science. Year 3 will be learning about the British chemist and astronaut Helen Sharman and Year 4 will be learning about Albert Einstein. If your child would like to start finding out information about either of these people at home that would be fantastic. Thank you for your continued support. Mrs Skoines and Miss McCullion.


Key Stage 2 Topic News

24 January 2015 Mrs Skoines 0 Comments
Our ‘Golden Ticket’ topic is well underway and this week we have started finding out about the Maya and Aztec civilizations. The children have produced some wonderful creative writing based on our work in English about the Roald Dahl book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Each class will be blogging about this next week with their thoughts on the characters in the story. A letter was sent out on Wednesday 21st January about our Marvelous Middle trip to Cadbury World. If you have not received this letter please ask your class teacher or a print a new letter from the attachment.

Aladdin Trouble - 12 December 2014 Miss McCullion

A huge well done to every member of Key Stage 2 for three wonderful performances of our pantomime ‘Aladdin Trouble’ yesterday. Mrs Skoines and I were so proud of Key Stage 2 for putting on such a fantastic show. The children had worked so hard to learn their lines, the songs and all the stage directions, and they pulled it off in style! All the hard work was evident in the fabulous final product. Many thanks to parents who supported the children by helping to learn lines, providing some fantastic costumes and, of course, coming to see the show. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Congratulations Year 3 and 4! You should be very proud.

Aladdin Trouble News - 25 November 2014 Mrs Skoines


In Key Stage 2 we are putting on another panto this year as Panto Pandemonium was such a huge success last year. The children have brought home letters with information of dates, times of shows and ticket request forms. Please help your child to practise lines they have to learn and encourage700-501 them to perform with expression. Thank you to all the families who have already returned their costume slips (and those who have already sent in their costumes!), the slips are due820-421 in by Thursday 27th November at the latest. Please can we also ask for each child to bring in named coat hanger so we can keep their costumes on a rail.We look forward to seeing you all at the panto!



Another Exciting Week in Key Stage 2 - 19 November 2014 Miss McCullion


After 10 weeks of hard work, on Tuesday we held our ukulele concert. It was a chance to demonstrate all the skills the children have learned throughout the course of lessons. By performing the range of songs they had learned, the children had a chance to show off their strumming, picking and rhythmic skills. They impressed us by managing to do all this and sing at the same time! Year 3 and 4 loved performing songs such as ‘Stand By Me’, ‘Happy’ and ‘Three Little Birds’ to such a large audience of parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and the rest of the school! Thank you for your support. Here we are, hard at work!

Whilst most of us were busy being musical, ten children from Year 3 and 4 went to the Tag Rugby tournament in Ampthill. Here, our wonderful team competed against 20 other schools, and managed to make it to the semi-finals. A great achievement! I was particularly proud to hear reports of their fantastic behaviour throughout the day, they were a real credit to the school as always. Some children also spent time designing posters to encourage drivers who use our school road to stick to the speed limit of 20. They thought of some super slogans to add to their designs and a few took these out of school to raise awareness of the speed limit. On top of all these events Key Stage 2 have also been retelling the Egyptian Myth of Osiris and Isis and writing Egyptian travel reports. In maths we are continuing to think about multiplying and dividing and exploring different methods for these operations. We are coming to the final stages of our Egyptian Death Masks and the children have been decorating these based on further research. In RE we have learned about the Jewish celebration of Passover and reenacted scenes from the story. What a busy week we’ve had so far and it’s only Wednesday!

KS2′s Egyptian Day - 11 November 2014 Miss McCullion

Today we stepped inside an ancient pyramid to explore stories and myths from Ancient Egypt!


We had a wonderful time learning lots about the Ancient Egyptians with an interactive theatre experience and two fabulous workshops. In the morning we crept into the inner chamber of a pyramid to help an explorer solve a mystery. Luckily we had the help of a few characters from Ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun, a stonemason, a noblewoman and Anubis! Their stories and advice helped us to help Daphne the explorer and solve the mystery.


After lunch we heard more stories and myths from the colourful characters of Ancient Egypt, and went on a dig. We found out about Ancient Egyptian names, jobs and dancing.

We all really enjoyed our day.

Marvellous, Messy Fun in DT! - 10 November 2014 Miss McCullion

Here we are in action creating our  Ancient Egyptian death masks. After research to gather ideas, and time spent planning our designs, we began to  make our masks this afternoon. We had lots of fun with papier mâché and got rather messy too! We tried to add five layers to make the death mask strong which we decided was an important criteria for the design. We’re looking forward to adding more detail next.

10th November – Death Masks in KS2! - 10 November 2014 Mrs Skoines

This afternoon in Key Stage 2 we have been busy researching, designing and beginning to make Egyptian death masks. It has been busy and noisy and so much fun! The children have been asked to sum up the activity in one word, these are some of the words they have suggested…… Messy!  Sticky!  Annoying!  Saturating!  Fun!  Addictive!  Wet!  Gluey! Wonderful! Gloopy! Amazing! Surprising! Glorious! Mucky! Revolting! Marvellous! Brilliant! Grim! Lovely! Awesome! Extraordinary Crumbly! Slippery! Cool! Slimy! Photos of the making process to follow later today.

First week after half term - 06 November 2014 Miss McCullion

Hello All, What a busy week it has been already! As Remembrance Day will soon be upon us, the children in Year 4 have been writing some moving poetry. The children had brilliant ideas based on this subject, reflecting thoughtfully and showing great respect when discussing why and what we remember. We had another productive ukulele session and we’re sounding great! We have learned lots of songs now and are looking forward to our performance to share all our hard work. It has been amazing to see what can be achieved in a relatively small space of time. We are all looking forward to beginning our ‘Aladdin Trouble’ rehearsals soon; all the children have been working hard on learning their lines, doing so with great enthusiasm, and we are really impressed with how much they have learned already. It promises to be a great show! After a lovely half term break it has been great to get straight back into the busy life of KS2 at Haynes. The children produced some fantastic work for their Take Home Tasks and we enjoyed sharing all the new facts we had learned about Ancient Egypt and seeing some creative masterpieces too! It has been great to see such interest and enthusiasm in our ‘Tomb Raiders’ topic. We’ve learned about the Nile this week and why it was so important to Egyptian civilisation. We’re looking forward to our Egyptian Day next week and to learning lots more about this fascinating period in history!

KS2 News – Wednesday 8th October Mrs Skoines

This afternoon Owl Class created their own  animal paintings in the style of Franz Marc. They have been learning about Marc this term and have collected images of their chosen animal, drawn sketches and tried different types of brush strokes. Today  the class listened to classical music whilst working and concentrated on creating their own animal paintings. Here are their paintings at different stages, we hope you like them.

Tuesday 7th October - 07 October 2014 Mrs Skoines


Today Owl and Eagle classes have been busy doing drama in our English lessons. They have created scenes from The Waterhorse by Dick King Smith which portrayed how the characters were feeling. We filmed the scenes and will be using them tomorrow for freeze framing and as a stimulus for writing. Later this week we will publish photos and examples of writing. Watch this space…….


Thursday 18th September - 18 September 2014 Miss McCullion

Another fantastic sing up session – well done! Year 3 and 4 are still enjoying our work about Dick King Smith and work in Art about Franz Marc.

Thursday 11th September - 11 September 2014 Mrs Simister

Well done Key Stage 2 on fantastic singing this morning. Mrs Sutherland from Inspiring Music commented on your hard work and effort.

Singing and Ukelele begins - 10 September 2014 Mrs Skoines

This week has been exciting as we have begun our music lessons with the Sing out Play out team. We will be learning lots of new songs in preparation for a big concert at the Corn Exchange in Bedford next year. We are also learning how to play the ukelele, we had a great first lesson on Tuesday.
